Choices and noises surround our life. We can feel a bit (or more) exhausted, at least I feel that way sometimes, which is fine, and please don’t feel bad about it. However, my passion for business gives me the boost to keep going. Hopefully, the following tips from my experience can help you to achieve your goals with a better mood.

Plan with focus

Plan goals and tasks with details in the head, paper or via modern technology. I use SMART goal setting every single time when I at my planning stage. If you require extra help, Creately provides goal-setting tools that help you keep on track!

1-2-3 Rule

This rule helps me to prioritise my tasks for my teams and personal development. As to what appears, the number one is always the most important one on my list. That worth more of my time and effort, the same with team tasks. Then move down, anything more than three tasks, I suggest adding to your backup plan. Once you have more resource, reactivate the tasks. The goal is simple, to be productive and positive.

Learn to say no

Say no means saying no, but with a reasonable manner. There are millions of opportunities generated around the world every day. Look for the opportunity cost, if the opportunity worth your input, and the outcome looks promising and you are happy to pursue it, GO and Enjoy yourself! If the answer is no, answer with a definite no, and thanks politely to the potential stakeholder(s), provide a brief reason why. This is the way I approach my career opportunity. Don’t feel bad if you start something, later find out it doesn’t match your expectations, try to adjust first, and say goodbye with good manner if the result is still not ideal.

Allocate your resource (time) wise

Either you are trying to find a job, set up your own business or start a family. Ask yourself, how are you going to allocate your time? My family members are always sitting the top of my priority list; their well-being means everything to me; I spend quality time with them. I also make sure that I develop my career the way is right for myself, stakeholders and the organisations. I suggest that you make a priority list, which will help you go through the thinking process.

Achievement with millions of milestones

Execution is everything, Huateng Ma, CEO of Tencent once mentioned, “In America, when you bring an idea to market, you usually have several months before competition pops up, allowing you to capture significant market share. In China, you can have hundreds of competitors within the first hours of going live. Ideas are not important in China – execution is.” Try to avoid to be a perfectionist; do more leads to thinking more. Don’t forget to count the milestones and celebrate every single one! Remember to have buffer time between tasks allow you to focus more on the next one!