Blogs are all the hype! The newest form of marketing is blogging, writing to your heart’s content all of your thoughts and ideas down in an organized fashion, why you so believe in the topic. While it’s so much fun, blogging has become one of the most critical and crucial marketing tools in the market. I mean, hey, I’m doing it too! While I had some pretty essential blogs in the past, writing for FunKeyB is loads of fun. Most of the content I write on here is business-scope-focused. The main goal is knowledge is for everyone to share, and that’s what I like to do!

Let’s explore some blogs that entice talent and provide solutions to modern business problems. Starting with us, of course~

FunKeyB, LLC

FunKeyB stands for Fun is Key in Business. We help people find joy and meaning at work; we’re more productive while having fun and achieve more when we believe in our goals. It doesn’t matter who you are; if you’re given the right tools and motivation, you can succeed. Leaders aren’t born; they’re made. To that end, rather than simply acting as consultants, we are growing a community of like-minded people and developing supplementary training for our members. Join our community to contribute your insights and help grow yourself and others; you’ll get a discount on our consulting services too. Hire us to help with business strategy, getting a new venture off the ground, making organizational & culture changes, product launches, or market/industry analysis.

Some of our developing supplementary training includes Talent Development, Communication & EI, Coaching/Mentoring, and Strategy. Our talent development segment focuses on learning how to transform your organization into a diverse, productive, and fun place to be, where people contribute great ideas and are given the space they need to follow them up.

Effective organizations are where people believe in the mission and feel welcome and part of the tribe. They work hard to achieve because they want to, are adequately rewarded, and given the support and opportunity needed to grow and adapt to something more. The communication and EI segment is fundamental to a successful team since clear open communication is often overlooked when needed most, in the heat of the moment. Some courses and video programs include managing emotions, managing conflict of interest, and working around language barriers.

Our blog brings us closer to our audience since we always want you to know what we’re up to and what’s coming next! It’s crucial for relationship-building with our audience base to share knowledge that can improve your personal development and guide a path to the growth and expansion of your business. What’s also super cool about our blog is that there is a sense of interaction between me, the author, and you, the reader. You can easily engage on our website and check out some of our most remarkable features and newest products like our culture book [CHECK IT OUT!].

Black Enterprise Blog

This blog is most influential within the online magazine realm. This website essentially is a black-owned multimedia company that covers African-American businesses ~exclusively~. They explicitly write about controversial and “in the now” topics such as Black Lives Matter, racism, black companies, black history, DEI, and politics. They also provide resources such as investments and decision-making processes for entrepreneurs! The website design is very compact, with three-five main headline articles on the homepage of the website. As you scroll down, you also get a list of trending stories and pieces you don’t want to miss!

HBR Harvard Business Review

HBR is one of the top-featured blogs/magazines on the internet. Owned by Harvard University, their magazine features general management topics ranging from diversity to case studies regarding innovation, the pandemic, and AI. Their magazine and blog have a very simplistic and minimalist design, with lots of lists of articles connecting to the one you’re reading.

However, they recently added an Insight Center for opportunities for midsize businesses to thrive. Additionally, they have added an Ascend Survival Guide for entrepreneurs with resources to develop, grow, and succeed. And to end with that, they have a particular segment for special coverage regarding news and updates on the workforce and business impact throughout the coronavirus pandemic.